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Climate news and fake news: Navigating the climate crisis between science and information

By November 10, 2023May 22nd, 2024No Comments

AGORA, in collaboration with CMCC and WWF Italia, is organising an event in Rome and online on 15 November, from 4pm to 6pm.

Climate forcefully enters into people’s lives, into the administrations of our cities, into the political sphere.
For this reason, information has a decisive role both for those who produce it and for those who use and share it. The way in which the world of media and of social media uses scientific information on a complex topic like climate change is essential to better understand how climate change affects societies and economies, modifies the environment and what are the solutions we can implement to effectively address the climate crisis.

With international experts and insights into the perspectives of new technologies, the meeting will offer an analysis of the state of the art and a series of tools that allow us to distinguish fake news from correct information, based on scientific grounds. The objective is to help the audience select the appropriate sources of information within the huge information offered by the traditional media and the digital universe. These sources provide an accurate representation of the climate issue, of its relevance on economic and social dynamics, to promote public awareness that can trigger climate action.

List of speakers:
John Cook – Melbourne Centre for Behaviour Change at the University of Melbourne, founder of
Paola Mercogliano – CMCC, Director of the “Regional Models and geo-Hydrologycal impacts” Research Unit, and coordinator of the AGORA project
Antonello Pasini – CNR, Institute on Atmospheric pollution Research
Monia Azzalini – Pavia Observatory Media Analysis and Research
Mariagrazia Midulla – WWF Italia, Climate and Energy Unit
Edoardo Zanchini – Municipality of Rome, Director of the Climate Office
Riccardo Luna – Green&Blue Repubblica, Editor in chief

Mauro Buonocore – CMCC, Communication and Media.

The event will take place at WWF Headquarters in Rome (Via Po 25/A) and online on zoom.

The event will be in Italian, a simultaneous translation into English will be available on zoom.

Please register here.

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