The ethical board (EB), or ethical committee, is a voluntary consulting and supporting body for the projects ethical issues. The EB does not act in the name of or on behalf of an organization and therefore has no responsibility towards third parties; it represent a support to those who, within the consortium, are responsible for decisions making.

Degree in Mathematics (1977) and PhD in Geography and History (1982). Full professor on Physical Geography and Climatology in the University of Barcelona (Spain). Numerary academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona and correspondent of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (Belgium) and the Academy of Sciences of Malaga (Spain). Expert on statistical analysis of precipitation, weather types, urban climatology and climate change. He has participated in several European projects (ADVICE, IMPROVE, etc.). He has been the first president of the Spanish Association of Climatology, president of the Spanish Association of Geography, and director of the Water Research Institute of the University of Barcelona. He has published 30 books and about 300 articles.

Graduate in Political Science and specialist in Human Rights at the University of Padua. He is coordinator of the Ethics and Environmental Policies Project of the Lanza Foundation, of the Veneto Association for Sustainable Development – AsVeSS (regional node of Asvis – Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) and of the Civic Forum of Agenda 21 of the City of Padua. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journals “Ecoscienza” and “Ethics for the Professions.”His areas of action-research are: ethics and environmental policies, sustainable development, civic ethics and sustainability, ethics and climate change, new lifestyles, human rights, churches and the environment, sustainable cities and local agenda21.

Antonino Rotolo
Antonino Rotolo is professor of philosophy of law at the University of Bologna. He is an international expert in legal theory, legallogic, deonticlogic, formal methods for practical reasoning, and theoretical artificial intelligence and law. In these areas Antonino Rotolo has carried out research projects at the international, European, and national levels. He has been visiting scholar at King’s College of London and at the University of Queensland and at the Queensland University of Technology (Australia). Antonino Rotolo served as aboard member orreviewer for several international journals and book series and as chair or member of the programme committee of many international conferences and workshops.