On the 22nd of March, AGORA joined the Climateurope2 webstival: Science and society dialogues on climate services and innovation, with a poster session dedicated to introduce the project. You can watch the video of our presentation accessing to this link (from min. 17.00)
Held online between 22-24 March, 2023, the first Climateurope2 virtual festival brought together innovators, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and experts in the climate and environmental sectors to showcase their solutions and discuss the challenges that the climate services community is facing today.
A diverse range of speakers and domains were featured including renewable energy, sustainable food systems, climate-smart cities, and transformative climate risk assessments for regions and communities engaged in the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change.
With over 500 registered attendees and more than 65 keynote speakers, panellists, and moderators, the webstival succeeded in promoting synergies and knowledge sharing on climate innovation among actors in the climate services value chain.